The Scientist Ukulele Chords – Coldplay Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: E – A (1 Octave + 6 half tones) – how to use this?
Intro: Dm A# F C
DmCome up to meet A#you, tell you I’m Fsorry
You don’t know how Clovely you are
DmI had to fiA#nd you
Tell you I Fneed you
Tell you I Cset you apart
DmTell me your seA#crets
And ask me your Fquestions
Oh, let’s go Cback to the start
DmRunning in A#circles
Coming up Ftails
Heads on a Cscience apart
A#Nobody said it was easy
FIt’s such a shaCme for us to part
A#Nobody said it was easy
FNo one ever Csaid it would be this C7hard
Oh, take me back to the starFt A# F C
DmI was just A#guessing
At numbers and Ffigures
Pulling the Cpuzzles apart
DmQuestions of A#science
Science and Fprogress
Do not speak as Cloud as my heart
DmTell me you A#love me
Come back and Fhaunt me
Oh, and I ruCsh to the start
DmRunning in A#circles
Chasing our Ftails
Coming Cback as we are
A#Nobody said it was easy
FIt’s such a shaCme for us to part
A#Nobody said it was easy
FNo one ever Csaid it would be this C7hard
I’m going back to the starFt A# F C
Dm A# F C x4
Dm A# F