Coldplay – Amsterdam Ukulele Chords

Easier chords in the keys of C or G
Voice Range: A# – G (1 octaves + 10 half tones) – how to use this
D# A# F G# x4
D#Come on, A#oh my stFar is fadG#ing
D#And IA# swerve Fout of coG#ntrol
D#If A#I, if FI’d only waiG#ted
D#I’d not be sA#tuck here in this Fhole G#
D# A# F G# x2
D#Come here, A#oh my Fstar is faG#ding
D#And I A#swerve Fout of conG#trol
D#And I swA#ear, I Fwaited and waiG#ted
D#I’ve got to A#get out of this Fhole G#
ButF time is on your sG#ide, its on your sD#ide, nowA#
Not pushing youF down, and all aroundG#
It’s no cD#ause for conceA#rn
D# A# F G#
D#Come on, A#oh my sFtar is faG#ding
D#And I A#see no cFhance of relG#ease
D#And I A#know I’m Fdead on the sG#urface
D#But I am scA#reaming underFneath G#
AnFd time is on your siG#de, its on your siD#de, now A#
Not pushing yoFu down, and all arounG#d
No it’s no caD#use for conceA#rn
F G# D# A# x2
Stuck on theF end of this ball and G#chain
And I’m on my wD#ay back downA# again
Stood on theFedge, tied to the nG#oose
Sick to the stD#omach A#
You can say what youF mean
But it won’t change a G#thing
I’m sick of the seD#crets A#
Stood on theF edge, tied to the nooG#se
And you came D#along and you cut me looA#se
F G# You came aloD#ng and you cut me looA#se
F G# You came aloD#ng and you cut me looA#se