Green Day – She Ukulele Chords

Green Day She Ukulele Chords
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Voice Range: F#F# (1 octave + 1 half tone) – how to use this


She screams in C#silence
A sullen Briot penetrating through her F#mind
F#Waiting for a sC#ign
To smash the sileBnce with the brick of self-conF#trol


C#Are you locked up in a world
That’s Bbeen planned out for F#you?
C#Are you feeling like a social Btool without a F#use?
BScream at F#me until mBy ears F#bleed
I’m Btaking F#heed just for yvC#]ou


She’s figured C#out
All her Bdoubts were someone else’s point of F#view   B       F#
F#Waking up this timC#e
To smash the silBence with the brick of self-conF#trol   B       F#


C#Are you locked up in a world
That’s Bbeen planned out for F#you?
C#Are you feeling like a social Btool without a F#use?
BScream at F#me until mBy ears F#bleed
I’m Btaking F#heed just for yvC#]ou


F#   C#   B   F#BF#


C#Are you locked up in a world
That’s Bbeen planned out for F#you?
C#Are you feeling like a social Btool without a F#use?
BScream at F#me until mBy ears F#bleed
I’m Btaking F#heed just for yvC#]ou


C#Are you locked up in a world
That’s Bbeen planned out for F#you?
C#Are you feeling like a social Btool without a F#use?
BScream at F#me until mBy ears F#bleed
I’m Btaking F#heed just for yvC#]ou


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