Green Day – Basket Case Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: G# – F (10 half tones) – how to use this?
D#Do you have the tA#ime
To Cmlisten to me whGmine
AG#bout nothing and eD#verything all at oA#nce
D#I am one of thA#ose
MeCmlodramatic foGmols
NeuG#rotic to the boD#ne, no doubt aboutA# it
G#Sometimes I A#give myself the D#creeps
G#Sometimes my A#mind plays tricks oD#n me
It G#all keeps adding A#up
I D#think I’m C#cracking uCmp
Am G#I just paraA#noid?
Am I just sD#toned?
D# – A# – Cm – A# x2
I D#went to a shA#rink
To Cmanalyze my dGmreams
She G#says it’s lack of sD#ex
That’s bringing mA#e down
I D#went to a whA#ore
He Cmsaid my life’s aGm bore
So G#quit my whining D#cause
It’s bringing hA#er down
G#Sometimes I A#give myself the D#creeps
G#Sometimes my A#mind plays tricks oD#n me
It G#all keeps adding A#up
I D#think I’m C#cracking uCmp
Am G#I just paraA#noid?
Am I just sD#toned?
D# – A# – Cm – A# x4
G#Grasping to conA#trol, so I better hold on
Verse chords without singing:
D#, A#, Cm, Gm, G#, D#, A#, A# x2
G#Sometimes I A#give myself the D#creeps
G#Sometimes my A#mind plays tricks oD#n me
It G#all keeps adding A#up
I D#think I’m C#cracking uCmp
Am G#I just paraA#noid?
Am I just sD#toned?
. D#, Cm, G# – D#, A# x4
G# – D#, A#