Green Day – Boulevard Of Broken Dreams Ukulele Chords

The original song is in the key of Fm
Voice Range: E – E (1 Octave + 1 half tones) – how to use this?
Em G D A x2
The Donly one that AI have ever Emknown
Don’t know Gwhere it goes
DBut it’s home to Ame and I walk aEmlone
Em G D A
DOn the BouleAvard of Broken EmDreams
Where the Gcity sleeps
And DI’m the only Aone and I walk Emalone
G DI walk Aalone, I walk aEmlone
G DI walk Aalone, I walk a…
C My shGadow’s the Donly one that Emwalks beside me
C My sGhallow Dheart’s the only Emthing that’s beating
C SometGimes I wDish someone out tEmhere will find me
C ‘Til thGen I wBalk alone
Em Ah-ah, G ah-ah, D ah-ah, Aaaah-ah,Em
Ah-ah, G ah-ah, D ah-ah A
Em I’m walking dGown the line
DThat divides me Asomewhere in my mEmind
On the Gborder line
DOf the edge and Awhere I walk aEmlone
Em G D A
Em Read betGween the lines
DOf what’s fucked up and Aeverything’s alEmright
Check my Gvital signs
To Dknow I’m still aAlive and I walk aEmlone
G DI walk Aalone, I walk aEmlone
G DI walk Aalone, I walk a…
C My shGadow’s the Donly one that Emwalks beside me
C My sGhallow Dheart’s the only Emthing that’s beating
C SometGimes I wDish someone out tEmhere will find me
C ‘Til thGen I wBalk alone
Em Ah-ah, G ah-ah, D ah-ah, Aaaah-ah,Em
Ah-ah, G ah-ah, D ah-ah A
G DI walk Aalone, I walk a…
C G D Em x3
EmI walk this Gempty street
DOn the BouleAvard of Broken EmDreams
Where the Gcity sleeps
And DI’m the only Aone and I walk Emalone
C My shGadow’s the Donly one that Emwalks beside me
C My sGhallow Dheart’s the only Emthing that’s beating
C SometGimes I wDish someone out tEmhere will find me
C ‘Til thGen I wBalk alone