Bob Dylan – Lay Lady Lay Ukulele Chords

Lay Lady Lay Ukulele Chords
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Voice Range: F#D (1 octave + 9 half tones) – how to use this?



A   C#m   G   Bm
A   C#m   G   Bm


Verse 1:
ALay, lady, C#mlay,       Glay across my Bmbig brass beAd       C#m           G        Bm
ALay, lady, C#mlay,       Glay across my Bmbig brass beAd       C#m           G        Bm
EWhatever F#mcolors you have Ain your mind    Asus4
EI’ll show them F#mto you and you’ll Asee them shine.   Asus4
ALay, lady, C#mlay,       Glay across my Bmbig brass beAd       C#m           G        Bm


Verse 2:
AStay, lady, C#mstay,      Gstay with your mBman awhileA        C#m           G        Bm
AUntil the break of C#mday,        Glet me see you Bmmake him smAile     C#m           G        Bm
EHis clothes are F#mdirty but his Ahands are clean    Asus4
EAnd you’re the F#mbest thing that he’s Aever seen.     Asus4
AStay, lady, C#mstay,      Gstay with your mBman awhileA        C#m           G        Bm


C#mWhy wait any longer for the Eworld tF#mo beginA
C#mYou can have your cake and eat it too A
C#mWhy wait any longer for the Eone    F#myou     Alove
When he’s C#mstanding in front of Bmyou.


Verse 3:
ALay, lady, C#mlay,       Glay across my Bmbig brass beAd       C#m           G        Bm
AStay, lady, C#mstay,      Gstay while the Bmnight is still ahAead      C#m           G        Bm
EI long to F#msee you in the Amorning light     Asus4
EI long to F#mreach for you Ain the night     Asus4
AStay, lady, C#mstay,      Gstay while the Bmnight is still ahAead      C#m           G        Bm


A    C#m    G    Bm

A    Bm    C#m    D

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