Bob Dylan – Don’t Think Twice It’s Alright Ukulele Chords

Bob Dylan - Don't Think Twice It's Alright Ukulele Chords
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The original song is in the key of E

Voice Range: EA (1 Octave + 6 half tones) – how to use this?


C     G     Am      F     C    G


Well, it Cain’t no use to Gsit and wonder Amwhy, babe
F    If you don’t know by Cnow   G
And it Cain’t no use to Gsit and wonder Amwhy, babe
D7    It’ll never do somGehow  G7


When your Crooster crows at the C7break of dawn
FLook out your window, and D7I’ll be gone
CYou’re the reaGson I’Amm a-traAm7veling Fon
But dCon’t think tGwice, it’s all Cright.


C     G     Am      F     C    G


And it Cain’t no use in Gturning on your Amlight, babe
F     The light I never CknowedG
And it Cain’t no use in Gturning on your Amlight, babe
D7     I’m on the dark side of the Groad    G7


But I Cwish there was somethin’ you would C7do or say
To Ftry and make me change my D7mind and stay
CWe never Gdid too much AmtalkinAm7g anywFay
So Cdon’t think Gtwice, it’s all Cright.


C     G     Am      F     C    G


It Cain’t no use in Gcalling out my Amname, gal
F     Like you never done beCfore   G
And it Cain’t no use in Gcalling out my Amname, gal
D7    I can’t hear you anyGmore    G7


I’m a-Cthinking and a-wonderin’ C7walking down the road
I Fonce loved a woman, a D7child I am told
I Cgave her my Gheart but she AmwanteAm7d my sFoul
But Cdon’t think Gtwice, it’s all Cright.


C     G     Am      F     C    G


C     So loGng honey, baAmby
F    Where I’m bound, I can’t Ctell      G
CGoodbye’s Gtoo good a Amword, babe
D7    So I’ll just say fare thee Gwell  G7


I Cain’t a-saying you C7treated me unkind
You Fcould have done better but D7I don’t mind
CYou just kinda Gwasted Ammy prAm7ecious Ftime
But Cdon’t think Gtwice, it’s all Cright.

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