Beyonce – Sweet Dreams Ukulele Chords

Sweet Dreams Ukulele Chords
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Easier chords in the key of Dm or Am

Voice Range: C#F (1 Octave + 3 half tones) – how to use this


Intro: D#m,  C#A#m,  B


D#mEvery night I rush to my bC#ed
A#mWith hopes that maybe I’ll Bget a chance to see you when I D#mclose my eyes
I’m going outta my C#head
A#mLost in a fairytale
BCan you hold my hands and be my guide?


D#mClouds filled with C#stars cover your skiA#mes        B
D#mAnd I hope it rC#ains
You’re the perfect lullabA#my
BWhat kind of dream is this?


You can be a D#msweet dream or a bC#eautiful nightmare
A#mEither way I, Bdon’t wanna wake up from you
D#mSweet dream or a b0C#eautiful nightmare
A#mSomebody pinch me, Byour loves to good to be true
D#mMy guilty pleasure I ain’t C#goin nowhere
Baby, A#mlong as you’re here
I’ll be Bfloating on air cause you’re my, you’re my….
You can be a D#msweet dream or a C#beautiful nightmare
A#mEither way I, Bdon’t wanna wake up from you


D#mI mention you when I say my prayersC#
I A#mwrap you around all of my thoughts
BBoy, you’re my temporary high
I D#mwish that when I wake up you’re thC#ere
To A#mwrap your arms around me for real
BAnd tell me you’ll stay by my side


D#mClouds filled with C#stars cover your skiA#mes          B
D#mAnd I hope it rC#ains
You’re the perfect lullabA#my
BWhat kind of dream is this?


You can be a D#msweet dream or a bC#eautiful nightmare
A#mEither way I, Bdon’t wanna wake up from you
D#mSweet dream or a b0C#eautiful nightmare
A#mSomebody pinch me, Byour loves to good to be true
D#mMy guilty pleasure I ain’t C#goin nowhere
Baby, A#mlong as you’re here
I’ll be Bfloating on air cause you’re my, you’re my….
You can be a D#msweet dream or a C#beautiful nightmare
A#mEither way I, Bdon’t wanna wake up from you


D#mTattoo your C#name across my A#mheart
B           So it will remain….D#m
D#mNot even C#death can make usA#m part
BWhat kind of dream is this?


You can be a D#msweet dream or a bC#eautiful nightmare
A#mEither way I, Bdon’t wanna wake up from you
D#mSweet dream or a b0C#eautiful nightmare
A#mSomebody pinch me, Byour loves to good to be true
D#mMy guilty pleasure I ain’t C#goin nowhere
Baby, A#mlong as you’re here
I’ll be Bfloating on air cause you’re my, you’re my….
You can be a D#msweet dream or a C#beautiful nightmare
A#mEither way I, Bdon’t wanna wake up from you

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