Britney Spears – Perfume Ukulele Chords

The chords are easier in the key of D (half step down)
Voice Range: G – A# (1 octave + 4 half tones) – how to use this
G#Do I imagine it, D#or do I see your stare?A#
Is there stillFm longing there?
G#Oh I hate myself,D# and I feel crazyA#
Such a Fmclassic tale
G#Current girlD#friend, ex-girlfriend A#
I’m trying Fmto be cool
G#Am I being paranoidD#? Am I seeing things?A#
Am I just Fminsecure?
G#I want D#to belieA#ve Fm
G#It’s just D#you and mA#e Fm
SomeG#times it feels like D#there’s threeA#
oG#f us in heD#re, babyA#
D#So I wG#ait for you to caCmll
And I A#try to act natuD#ral
Have you been G#thinking ’bout her or abCmout me?A#m
And while D#mI wait I pG#ut on my perfumCme,
Yeah, I want itA# all over youD#
I’m gonnaG#m mark my teCmrritory A#
D#I’ll never tG#ell, tell on myseCmlf but I hope she smA#ells my perfume
D#I’ll never tG#ell, tell on myseCmlf but I hope she smA#ells my perfume
D#I hide it weG#ll, hope you can’t teCmll but I hope she smA#ells my perfume
D#I hide it weG#ll, hope you can’t teCmll but I hope she smA#ells my perfume
G#I wanna fill the room D#when she’s in it with youA#
Please don’t foGmrget me
G#Do I imagineD# it, or catch these moments?A#m
I know you got Fmhistory
G#But I’m your girlD#friend, now I’m your girlFriendto be cool
G#I hope I’m paranD#oid, that I’m just seeing thiA#ngs, that I’m just Fminsecure
G#I want D#to belieA#ve Fm
G#It’s just D#you and mA#e Fm
SomeG#times it feels like D#there’s threeA#
oG#f us in heD#re, babyA#
D#So I wG#ait for you to caCmll
And I A#try to act natuD#ral
Have you been G#thinking ’bout her or abCmout me?A#m
And while D#mI wait I pG#ut on my perfumCme,
Yeah, I want itA# all over youD#
I’m gonnaG#m mark my teCmrritory A#
D#So I wG#ait for you to caCmll
And I A#try to act natuD#ral
Have you been G#thinking ’bout her or abCmout me?A#m
And while D#mI wait I pG#ut on my perfumCme,
Yeah, I want itA# all over youD#
I’m gonnaG#m mark my teCmrritory A#
D#I’ll never tG#ell, tell on myseCmlf but I hope she smA#ells my perfume
D#I’ll never tG#ell, tell on myseCmlf but I hope she smA#ells my perfume
D#I hide it weG#ll, hope you can’t teCmll but I hope she smA#ells my perfume
D#I hide it weG#ll, hope you can’t teCmll but I hope she smA#ells my perfume