Adele – Crazy For You Ukulele Chords
Voice Range: G – D (1 octave + 8 half tone) – find your voice range here
G, Em, G, Em
C, C, D, C
GFound myself Emtoday singing Gout loud your Emname,
You said I’m Ccrazy, If I Dam I’m Ccrazy for you.
G, Em, G, Em
GSometimes sitting Emin the dark
GWishing you were Emhere
Turns me Ccrazy,
But it’s Dyou who makes me Close my head.G
G, Em, G, Em
And Gevery time I’m Emmeant to be Gacting sensiEmble
You Cdrift into my head
And turn meD into a crCumbling fooGl.
G, Em, G, Em
A#Tell me to run and I’ll race,
If you Cwant me to stop I’ll freeze,
And if you G7want me gone, I’ll leave,
Just hold me A7closer, baby,
And make me CcraaaaaDaazy for Gyou. Em G Em
CCraaaaaDaazy for Gyou. Em G Em
GLately with this Emstate I’m in
I Gcan’t help myselfEm but spin.
I Cwish you’d come over,
DSend me spinning Ccloser to you.G
G, Em, G, Em
I keep on Gtrying, Emfighting these fGeelings awEmay,
But the Cmore I do,
The craziDer I tCurn intGo.
G, Em, G, Em
GMy oh my, how Emmy blood boils,
It’s Gsweet taste for Emyou,
CStrips me down bare
And gets me iDnto my favDorite mood.G
G, Em, G, Em
A#Pacing floors and oCpening doors,
HoG7ping you’ll walk through
And A7save me boy,
Because I’m too CcraaaaaDaazy for Gyou. Em G Em
CCraaaaaDaazy for Gyou. Em G Em
C, D, C, G