The Beatles - Norwegian Wood Ukulele Chords

The Beatles – Norwegian Wood Ukulele Chords


Voice Range: BC# (1 octave + 3 half tone) – how to use this?


EI once had a Egirl, or should I Esay, Dshe once Ahad Eme
EShe showed meE her room, isn’t it Egood, DnorwegAian Ewood?


She Emasked me to stay and she told me to sit anyAwhere
So I Emlooked around and I noticed there wasn’t a chF#mair       B


EI sat on the Erug, biding my Etime, Ddrinking Aher Ewine
EWe talked until Etwo and then she Esaid, “DIt’s time Afor Ebed”


She Emtold me she worked in the morning and started to Alaugh
I Emtold her I didn’t and crawled off to sleep in the F#mbath      B


EAnd when I Eawoke I was aElone, Dthis bird Ahad Eflown
ESo I lit a Efire, isn’t it Egood, DnorweAgian Ewood?