The Beatles – Obladi Oblada Ukulele Chords

The original song is in the key of A#
Voice Range: A – A (1 octave + 1 half tone) – how to use this?
ADesmond has a barrow in the Emarket place
E7Molly is the singer in a Aband
A7Desmond says to Molly “girl I Dlike your face”
And Molly saAys this as she E7takes him by the Ahand
Ob-la-Adi ob-la-da life goes Eon F#mbra
DLa-la how the E7life goes Aon
Ob-la-Adi ob-la-da life goes Eon F#mbra
DLa-la how the E7life goes Aon
ADesmond takes a trolley to theE jewellers store
E7Buys a twenty carat golden Aring
A7Takes it back to Molly waiting Dat the door
And as he Agives it to her E7she begins to siAng
Ob-la-Adi ob-la-da life goes Eon F#mbra
DLa-la how the E7life goes Aon
Ob-la-Adi ob-la-da life goes Eon F#mbra
DLa-la how the E7life goes Aon
DIn a couple of years they have built
A home sweet Ahome G F#m Em
DWith a couple of kids running in the yard
Of E7Desmond and Molly Jones
AHappy ever after in the mEarket place
E7Desmond lets the children lend a Ahand
MolA7ly stays at home and does her prDetty face
And in the Aevening she still E7sings it with the Aband
Ob-la-Adi ob-la-da life goes Eon F#mbra
DLa-la how the E7life goes Aon
Ob-la-Adi ob-la-da life goes Eon F#mbra
DLa-la how the E7life goes Aon
DIn a couple of years they have built
A home sweet Ahome G F#m Em
DWith a couple of kids running in the yard
Of E7Desmond and Molly Jones
Yeah, AHappy ever after in the mEarket place
E7Molly lets the children lend a Ahand
DesA7mond stays at home and does his prDetty face
And in the Aevening she’s a E7singer with the baAnd
Ob-la-Adi ob-la-da life goes Eon F#mbra
DLa-la how the E7life goes Aon
Ob-la-Adi ob-la-da life goes Eon F#mbra
DLa-la how the E7life goes F#7on
And if you want some fun
Take E7ob-la-di bla-Ada