Oasis – Wonderwall Ukulele Chords

The original song is in the key of F#m
Voice Range: D – D (1 octave + 1 half tones) – how to use this
Em7, G, Dsus4, A7 x2
Em7Today is Ggonna be the day
That they’re Dsus4gonna throw it back to A7you
Em7By now you Gshould’ve somehow
RealDsus4ized what you gotta A7do
Em7I don’t believe that Ganybody
Dsus4Feels the way I A7do about you Cadd9now Dsus4 A7
Em7Back beat, the Gword is on the street
That the Dsus4fire in your heart is A7out
Em7I’m sure you’ve Gheard it all before
But you Dsus4never really had a A7doubt
Em7I don’t believe that Ganybody Dsus4feels
The way I A7do about you Em7now G Dsus4 A7
And Cadd9all the roads we Dsus4have to walk are Em7winding
And Cadd9all the lights that Dsus4lead us there are Em7blinding
Cadd9There are many Dsus4things that I would
GLike to Dsus4say to yEm7ou
But I don’t know A7how
Because Cadd9maybe Em7 G
You’re Em7gonna be the one that Cadd9saves me Em7 G
And Em7after Cadd9all Em7 G
You’re my Em7wonderCadd9wall Em7 G Em7 A7
Em7Today was Ggonna be the day
But they’ll Dsus4never throw it back to A7you
Em7By now you sGhould’ve somehow
ReDsus4alized what you’re not to A7do
Em7I don’t believe that Ganybody
Dsus4Feels the way I A7do
About you Em7now G Dsus4 A7
And Cadd9all the roads we Dsus4have to walk are Em7winding
And Cadd9all the lights that Dsus4lead us there are Em7blinding
Cadd9There are many Dsus4things that I would
GLike to Dsus4say to yEm7ou
But I don’t know A7how
I said Cadd9maybe Em7 G
You’re Em7gonna be the one that Cadd9saves me Em7 G
And Em7after Cadd9all Em7 G
You’re my Em7wonderCadd9wall Em7 G Em7 A7
I said Cadd9maybe Em7 G
You’re Em7gonna be the one that Cadd9saves me Em7 G
And Em7after Cadd9all Em7 G
You’re my Em7wonderCadd9wall Em7 G Em7 A7
I said Cadd9maybe Em7 G
You’re Em7gonna be the one that Cadd9saves me Em7 G
You’re Em7gonna be the one that Cadd9saves me Em7 G
You’re Em7gonna be the one that Cadd9saves me Em7 G
Cadd9, Em7, G, Em7