Oasis – The Importance Of Being Idle Ukulele Chords

The Importance Of Being Idle Ukulele Chords
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Voice Range: GA (1 Octave + 3 half tones) – how to use this



1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 
Am          E    x3
D   DUD U   D

1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 
Am  E   Am
D   D   D

Am    x4


I Amsold my soul for the sFecond time
Cos the Cman, he don’t Bpay     Eme
I Ambegged my landlord for Fsome more time
He said “CSon, the bills BwaitiEng”


My Ambest friend called me the Fother night
He said “CMan, are you Bcrazy?”E
My Amgirlfriend told me to Fget a life
She said “Cboy, you lBazy”  E


Dm    But I don’t mAmind
As Dmlong as there’s a bed beneath the Amstars that shine
Dm     I’ll be fAmine
If you F7give me a minute, a F7man’s got a limit
I Gcan’t get a life if my Ehearts not in it  E



|Am      |F       |C       |B   E   |   x3
|Am      |F       |C   B   |E       |


Dm     I don’t mAmind
As Dmlong as there’s a bed beneath the Amstars that shine
Dm     I’ll be fAmine
If you F7give me a minute, a F7man’s got a limit
I Gcan’t get a life if my Ehearts not in it  E



1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 
Am          E    x3
D   DUD U   D

1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 
Am  E   Am
D   D   D


I Amlost my faith in the sFummertime
Cos it Cdon’t stop BrainiEng
The Amsky all day’s as bFlack as night
But I’m Cnot comBplainiEng


I Ambegged my doctor for Fone more line
He said “CSon, words Bfail mEe”
It Amain’t no place to be kiFlling time
But I Cguess I’m just Blazy   E


Dm     I don’t mAmind
As Dmlong as there’s a bed beneath the Amstars that shine
Dm     I’ll be fAmine
If you F7give me a minute, a F7man’s got a limit
I Gcan’t get a life if my Ehearts not in it  E



1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 
Am          E    x3
D   DUD U   D

1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 
Am  E   Am
D   D   D


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