Nirvana – In Bloom Ukulele Chords
Voice Range: A# – G (1 Octave + 10 half tones) – how to use this?
A# Gm F G# x2
A# F# D# B – A x2
A#Sell the kF#ids for fooD#d B A
A#Weather chF#anges moodsD# B A
A#Spring is F#here aD#gain B A
A#ReprodF#uctive gD#lands B A
Chorus x2:
Hey – A#he’s the oGmne
Who likes A#all our pretty sGmongs
And he liA#kes to sing aloGmng
And he liA#kes to shoot his Gmgun
But he kCnows not what it meD#ans
Don’t kCnow what it meD#ans, when I say
A# Gm F G# x2
A#We can F#have some D#more B A
A#Nature F#is a whD#ore B A
A#Bruises F#on the D#fruit B A
A#Tender aF#ge in bD#loom B A
Chorus x2:
Hey – A#he’s the oGmne
Who likes A#all our pretty sGmongs
And he liA#kes to sing aloGmng
And he liA#kes to shoot his Gmgun
But he kCnows not what it meD#ans
Don’t kCnow what it meD#ans, when I say
A# Gm F G# x2
A# F# D# B – A x4
Chorus x2:
Hey – A#he’s the oGmne
Who likes A#all our pretty sGmongs
And he liA#kes to sing aloGmng
And he liA#kes to shoot his Gmgun
But he kCnows not what it meD#ans
Don’t kCnow what it meD#ans
KCnows not what it mD#eans
KCnows not what it mD#eans I say ah…
A# Gm F G# x2