Nirvana – Polly Ukulele Chords

Polly Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: DC (11 half tones) – how to use this?


Em   G   D   C
Em   G   D   C


Em          GPolly waDnts a crackCer
Em          GI think I should get Doff herC first
Em          GI think she waDnts some watCer
Em          GTo put out Dthe blow Ctorch


D       CIsn’t me,     G        A#Have some seed
D       CLet me clip,     G       A#Dirty wings
D       CLet me take a ride,     G       A#Hurt yourself
D       CWant some help,     G       A#Help myself
D       CGot some rope,     G       A#Have been told
D       CPromise you,     G       A#Have been true
D       CLet me take a ride,    G       A#Hurt yourself
D       CWant some help,     G       A#Help myself


Em   G   D   C
Em   G   D   C


Em          GPolly waDnts a crackCer
Em          GMaybe she Dwould like mCore food
Em          GShe asks me Dto untie hCer
Em          GA chase would bDe nice foCr a few


D       CIsn’t me,     G        A#Have some seed
D       CLet me clip,     G       A#Dirty wings
D       CLet me take a ride,     G       Don’t A#cut yourself
D       CWant some help,     G       To A#please myself
D       CGot some rope,     G       A#Have been told
D       CPromise you,     G       A#Have been true
D       CLet me take a ride,    G       Don’t A#cut yourself
D       CWant some help,     G       A#Help myself


EmPolly said


Em          GPolly says Dher back hCurts
Em          GShe’s just Das bored Cas me
Em          GShe caught Dme off Cmy guard
Em          GIt amazes Dme, the will Cof instinct


D       CIsn’t me,     G        A#Have some seed
D       CLet me clip,     G       A#Dirty wings
D       CLet me take a ride,     G       A#Hurt yourself
D       CWant some help,     G       A#Help myself
D       CGot some rope,     G       A#Have been told
D       CPromise you,     G       A#Have been true
D       CLet me take a ride,    G       A#Hurt yourself
D       CWant some help,     G       A#Help myself

