Jack Johnson – Tape Deck Ukulele Chords
Voice Range: F – D (10 half tones) – find your voice range here
Intro: A# D# D# F x2
From my A#tape deck there’s a D#recklessness
Inflections of the Fworld we want
A#All my friends, my rD#usty truck
We’re just specs of love, dirFectionless
We’ll A#callwhat we want
We can change the name from Fmonth to month
A#Four guitars and D#zero drums
We sounded folk but we Fwanted Eto be D#punk
In a D#world Epost Fpunk
A#My friend had an D#old guitar
He took some lessons, didn’t Fget very far
An A#Ibanez with one D#knob stuck
Said you can have that thing for fiFfty bucks
A#Loren got a bass but he D#got no amp
We borrowed Skill’s, we never Fgave it back
A#Luke was just learning D#how to strum
But since he was the worst we made him Fplay Ethe D#drums
D#Play Ethe Fdrums
You may A#find in the D#palm
Of your Fhand there’s a D#flame
As it A#burns, as it cD#limbs
As it Fturns to a D#blaze
Well this A#flame, it won’t D#last
Here it Fcomes, hold it D#close
Because this A#blaze can be D#fast
Set it Ffree now there it D#goes
A# D# D# F x2
A#Luke’s mom said that D#after school
We could rehearse in the Fliving room
A#ut that sure didn’t D#last too long
Guess she didn’t know we played FFugazi songs
A#Play these songs in the D#talent show
And all of the girls will be Fin the front row
A#But in the end we just D#chickened out
Because we can’t sing, we can Fonly E D#shout
D#Only E sh Fhhhhhh….
You may A#find in the D#palm
Of your Fhand there’s a D#flame
As it A#burns, as it cD#limbs
As it Fturns to a D#blaze
Well this A#flame, it won’t D#last
Here it Fcomes, hold it D#close
Because this A#blaze can be D#fast
Set it Ffree now there it D#goes