Jack Johnson – You And Your Heart Ukulele Chords

You And Your Heart Ukulele Chords
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Voice Range: EE (1 octave + 1 half tone) – find your voice range here


               This is only valid in the key of D
   A                  G                   D                     D


AWatch you when you say
What you Gare and when you blame
EveryDone, You broken Dking
AWatch you change the frame or
Watch you Gwhen you take your aim
At the Dsum of everyDthing


Cause Gyou and your Aheart
shouldn’t Dfeel so far Gapart
You F#can chGoose what you Atake
Why you gotta Dbreak and make it feel so Ghard   G#


A  G  D  D  x2


AYou lay there in the street
Like broken Gglass reflecting pieces of the Dsun
But you’re not the Dflame
You got the Apeople passing by
Because you Gknow what you don’t like
It’s just so Deasy, it’s just so Deasy

But Gyou and your Aheart
shouldn’t Dfeel so far Gapart
You F#can chGoose what you Atake
Why you gotta Dbreak and make it feel so Ghard   G#
OhGyou and your Aheart
shouldn’t Dfeel so far Gapart
You F#can chGoose what you Atake
Why you gotta Dbreak and make it feel so Ghard   G#


A   D   A   D
A   D   A   D   E


You draw so Amany lines in Dthe sand
Lost the Afingernails on Dyour hands
How you’re Agonna scratch Dany backs?
Better Ahope the tide will Dtake our lines aEway
ETake all our lines and


AHope the Dtide will Atake our Dlines and
AHope the Dtide will Atake our Dlines aEway
ETake all our lines aAway


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