Hozier Run Ukulele Chords

Hozier – Run Ukulele Chords

Try other keys for easier chords.


Voice Range: C#A# (1 octave + 10 half tones) – how to use this


A#mRare is this love, keep it covered
A#mI need you to G#run to me, Fmrun to me, F#lover
F#Run until you feel your lungs A#mbleeding


A#mOh but the farrow know
Her hungry eyes, her anciG#ent soul
It’s carrieFmd by the sneering menagerie
A#mKnow what it is to grow
A#mBeneath her sky, her punishing cold
G#To slowly learn of Fmher ancient misery
F#To be twisted bG#y something
A C#shame without a sin    F#
F#Like how she twisted the bog man
After she mG#arried him


A#mRare is this love, keep it covered
A#mI need you to G#run to me, Fmrun to me, F#lover
F#Run until you feel your lungs A#mbleeding


A#mBut in all the world
A#mThere is one lover worthy of her
G#With as many Fmsouls claimed as she
A#mBut for all he’s worth
A#mHe still shatters always on her earth
G#The cause of every teaFmr she’d ever weep
F#Rushing ashore to meG#et her
C#Foaming with lonF#eliness
F#White hands to fondle and beat her
G#Give her his onliness


A#mRare is this love, keep it covered
A#mI need you to G#run to me, Fmrun to me, F#lover
F#Run until you feel your lungs A#mbleeding


A#mRare is this love, keep it covered
A#mI need you to G#run to me, Fmrun to me, F#lover
F#Run until you feel your lungs A#mbleeding


A#mRare is this love, keep it covered
A#mI need you to G#run to me, Fmrun to me, F#lover
F#Run until you feel your lungs A#mbleeding