Hozier – From Eden Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: G – A (1 octave + 3 half tones) – how to use this
C C Dm–Am x4
CBabe C Dm Am
C DmThere’s Amsomething Ctragic abDmout yoAmu C Dm Am
DmSomething Amso mAm7agic aboEmut yoGu
Am7 EmDon’t Gyou agreCe? Dm Am C Dm Am
CBabe C Dm Am
C DmThere’s Amsomething Clonesome aDmbout yAmou C Dm Am
DmSomething Amso whoAm7lesome Emabout Gyou
Am7 EmGet Gcloser to Cme Dm Am C Dm Am
AmNo tired sighs, Gno rolling eyes, Emno iroFny
DmNo ‘who cares’, Gno vacant stares, Fno time for me
CHoney, Cyou’reDm famiAmliar Amlike Cmy Gmirror Gyears Amago F
FIdeaGlismC sitCs Dmin Amprison, Am chiCvalGry fell Gon Amits Fsword
F G CInnocCence Dmdied Amscreaming, AmhonCey, Gask me GI Am Fshould know
F GI Cslithered Chere Dmfrom AmEden Amjust Cto Gsit outGside Amyour Fdoor F G
C C Dm–Am x4
CBabe Dm Am
C DmThere’s Amsomething Cwretched about Dmthis Am C
DmSomething Amso preAm7cious aEmbout Gthis
Am7 EmWhere Gto begCin Dm Am C Dm Am
CBabe Dm Am
C DmThere’s Amsomething Cbroken about Dmthis Am C
DmBut I Ammight be hAm7oping aEmbout Gthis.
Am7 Em Oh, whGat a Csin Dm Am C Dm Am
AmTo the strand a Gpicnic plan Efor you Fand me
DmA rope in hand Gfor your other man Fto hang from a tree
CHoney, Cyou’reDm famiAmliar Amlike Cmy Gmirror Gyears Amago F
FIdeaGlismC sitCs Dmin Amprison, Am chiCvalGry fell Gon Amits Fsword
F G CInnocCence Dmdied Amscreaming, AmhonCey, Gask me GI Am Fshould know
F GI Cslithered Chere Dmfrom AmEden Amjust Cto Gsit outGside Amyour Fdoor F G
C C Dm–Am x4
CHoney, Cyou’reDm famiAmliar Amlike Cmy Gmirror Gyears Amago F
FIdeaGlismC sitCs Dmin Amprison, Am chiCvalGry fell Gon Amits Fsword
F G CInnocCence Dmdied Amscreaming, AmhonCey, Gask me GI Am Fshould know
F GI Cslithered Chere Dmfrom AmEden Amjust Cto Gsit outGside Amyour Fdoor F G