Ed Sheeran – Thinking Out Loud Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: B – A (1 Octave + 10 half tones) – how to use this?
D B7When your legs don’t work like they Gused to beforeA
D B7And I can’t sweep you off of your Gfeet A
D B7Will your mouth still remember the Gtaste of my loveA
D B7Will your eyes still smile Gfrom your cheeksA
And darling ID B7will be loving youG A ’til we’re seventy D B7 G A
And baby myD B7heart could still fall asG Ahard at twenty-threeD B7
GAnd I’m thinking ‘About how
EmPeople fall in love in mysAterious Dways
EmMaybe just the touch of a hAand
Well Emme I fall in love with you Aevery single Bmday
And EmI just wanna tell you I Aam
So honey noDw B7
G ATake me into your loving aDrms B7
G AKiss me under the light of a Dthousand stB7ars
G APlace your head on my beating Dheart B7
I’m thinking Gout Aloud
And maybe Bmwe Afound Glove F#mright Emwhere Awe Dare
D B7When my head’s over gone and my Gmemory fadesA
D B7And the crowds don’t remember my Gname A
D B7When my hands don’t Gplay the strings the Asame way, mmm
D B7I know you will still love me the Gsame A
Cause honey youDr B7soul could never growG Aold it’s evergreenD B7 G A
And baby youDr B7smile’s forever iGn my Amind and memoryD B7
G And I’m thinking ‘About how
EmPeople fall in love in mystAerious Dways
EmMaybe it’s all part of a plAan
Well EmI’ll just keep on making the sAame misBmtakes
EmHoping that you’ll undersAtand
That baby noDw B7
G ATake me into your loving arDms B7
G AKiss me under the light of a Dthousand sB7tars
G APlace your head on my beating hDeart B7
I’m thinking Gout lAoud
That maybe Bmwe Afound Glove F#mright Emwhere Awe Dare
D B7 G A x4
So baby noDw B7
G ATake me into your loving arDms B7
G AKiss me under the light of a Dthousand sB7tars
G APlace your head on my beating hDeart B7
I’m thinking Gout lAoud
That maybe Bmwe Afound Glove F#mright Emwhere Awe Dare
Oh baby, Bmwe Afound Glove F#mright Emwhere Awe Dare
Bmwe Afound Glove F#mright Emwhere Awe Dare