Cat Stevens – Moonshadow Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: C# – D (1 octave + 2 half tones) – how to use this
D G G A7 D
Oh, DI’m bein’ followed by a GmoonsDhadow, Gmoonshadow, A7moonsDhadow
DLeapin and hoppin’ on a GmoonsDhadow, Gmoonshadow, A7moonsDhadow
And Gif I Dever Glose my Dhands
GLose my Dplough, Emlose my Amland,
Oh Gif I Dever Glose my Dhands,
Oh Emif… A D Bm
EmI won’t have to Awork no Dmore.
AndG if I Dever Glose my Deyes
GIf my Dcolours Emall run Adry,
YesG if I Dever Glose my Deyes
Oh Emif… A D Bm
EmI won’t have to Acry no mDore.
Yes DI’m bein’ followed by a GmoonsDhadow, Gmoonshadow, A7moonsDhadow
DLeapin’ and hoppin’ on a GmoonsDhadow, Gmoonshadow, A7moonsDhadow
And Gif I Dever Glose my Dlegs
GI won’t Dmoan, and EmI won’t Abeg,
Yes Gif I Dever Glose my Dlegs
Oh Emif… A D Bm
EmI won’t have to Awalk no Dmore.
AndG if I Dever Glose my Dmouth
GAll my Dteeth, Emnorth and Asouth,
Yes Gif I Dever Glose my Dmouth
Oh Emif… A D Bm
EmI won’t have to Atalk… D
D G G A7 D x2
EDid it take long to Afind me?
EI asked the faithful Alight.
EDid it take long to Afind me?
And Eare you gonna stay the Anight?
DI’m bein’ followed by a GmoonsDhadow, Gmoonshadow, A7moonsDhadow
DLeapin’ and hoppin’ on a GmoonsDhadow, Gmoonshadow, A7moonsDhadow
GMoonAshadow, moonDshadow
GMoonA7shadow, moonDshadow