Cat Stevens – If You Want To Sing Out Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: G – C (1 octave + 6 half tones) – how to use this
A|--------0-3--3-| E|--3--3---------| C|---------------| G|---------------|
A|--------0-3--2-| E|--3--3---------| C|---------------| G|---------------|
C G6 Fmaj7 C6 x2
Well, Gif you Cwant to sing Gout, sing Fout
AndG if you wCant to be Gfree, be fAmree
‘Cause there’s a Dmmillion tAmhings to Gbe
You Cknow that there Gare
AndG if you Cwant to live Ghigh, live Fhigh
AndG if you Cwant to live lGow, live lAmow
‘Cause there’s a Dmmillion Amways to Ggo
You Cknow that there Gare
RRiff-1 CYou can do what you Fwant
RRiff-2 GThe opportunity’s oCn
RRiff-1 CAnd if you can find a new Fway
RRiff-2 GYou can do it toCday
RRiff-1 CYou can make it all trFue
RRiff-2 GAnd you can make it undCo
Amyou Emsee Amah ah ah
its Emeasy Amah ah ah
You onEmly need to kGnow
WellG if you Cwant to say Gyes, say Fyes
AndG if you waCnt to say nGo, say nAmo
‘Cause there’s a Dmmillion Amways to Ggo
You Cknow that there Gare
And Gif you wCant to be Gme, be mFe
AndG if you wCant to be Gyou, be Amyou
‘Cause there’s a Dmmillion tAmhings to Gdo
You Cknow that there aGre
RRiff-1 CYou can do what you Fwant
RRiff-2 GThe opportunity’s oCn
RRiff-1 CAnd if you can find a new Fway
RRiff-2 GYou can do it toCday
RRiff-1 CYou can make it all trFue
RRiff-2 GAnd you can make it undCo
Amyou Emsee Amah ah ah
its Emeasy Amah ah ah
You onEmly need to kGnow
Well,G if you Cwant to sing Gout, sing Fout
AndG if you Cwant to be Gfree, be Amfree
‘Cause there’s a Dmmillion tAmhings to Gbe
You Cknow that there Gare
You Cknow that there Gare
CYou kGnow that there Care
You kGnow that there Care G F
GYou know that thereC are G F C