Band Of Horses – The Funeral Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: C – A# (11 half tones) – how to use this?
Intro x2:
G# D# A# Cm Cm
*valid only in the key of D#
G#I’m coming up D#only to A#hold you Cmunder Cm
G#And coming up D#only to A#show you’re Cmwrong Cm
G#And to D#know you is hA#ard – we woCmnder… Cm
G#To kD#now you all wA#rong – we wCmarn. Cm
G#OooooD#oooh OA#ooooooooCmh Cm
G#OooooD#oooh OA#ooooooooCmh Cm
G#Really too D#late to A#call, so we wCmait for Cm
G#Morning to D#wake you is A#all we gCmot Cm
G# To kD#now me as A#hardly gCmolden Cm
G# Is to D#know me A#all wrong, they Cmwarn. Cm
A# At every occA#asion I’ll be D#ready for the fG#uneral G# G#
A# At every occA#asion, once morD#e, it’s called the G#funeral G# G#
A# At every occA#asion, oh, I’m D#ready for the fG#uneral G# G#
A# At every occA#asion, oh, one D#billion day fuG#neral G# G#
G#I’m coming up D#only to shA#ow you’re doCmwn for Cm
G#And coming up D#only to sA#how you’re Cmwrong. Cm
G#To the D#outside, the dA#ead leaves lay on Cmthe lawn Cm
G# For D#they don’t have tA#rees to hanCmg upon. Cm
G#OooooD#oooh OA#ooooooooCmh Cm
G#OooooD#oooh OA#ooooooooCmh Cm
A# At every occA#asion I’ll be D#ready for the fG#uneral G# G#
A# At every occA#asion, once morD#e, it’s called the G#funeral G# G#
A# At every occA#asion, oh, I’m D#ready for the fG#uneral G# G#
A# At every occA#asion, oh, one D#billion day fuG#neral G# G#