Arctic Monkeys – No Buses Ukulele Chords

No Buses Ukulele Chords
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Voice Range: C#D# (1 octave + 4 half tones) – how to use this?



|E   C#m |G#m     |A   F#m |E       |
|A   F#m |G#m C#  |F#m B B6|E       |


ELady, wC#mhere has your G#mlove gone?  Emaj7
I was Alooking but can’t F#mfind it anywEmaj7here         E7
AThey always F#moffer when there’s loG#mads of love aroC#und
But, when you’re F#mshort of some, it’s nBowhere B6to be fEound


EWell, I kC#mnow your gaG#mme, you toEmaj7ld him yesterday
ANo chance, yF#mou’ll get nothin’ froEmaj7m me            E7
But now Ashe’s there, yF#mou’re there, eG#mverybody’s theC#re
He’s in tF#murmoil, as puBzzled aB6s can Ebe


Just likE7e me
Let’s go Adown, down, low G#down
Where I kC#mnow I should not gF#mo
Oh and Ashe thinks she’s the oG#ne
But she’s just C#mone in 24  F#m
And just ’cause Aeverybody’s doin’ it
Does that G#mean that I can, too?


ELady, C#mwhere has your loG#mve gone?   Emaj7
It Awas the anti-sF#meptic to the sEmaj7ore             E7
ATo hold you by the hF#mand
Must be G#mfirst, be in deC#mand
How he lF#mongs for you to loBng for hB6im once mEore


Just once E7more
Let’s go Adown, down, low G#down
Where I kC#mnow I should not gF#mo
Oh and Ashe thinks she’s the oG#ne
But she’s just C#mone in 24  F#m
And just ’cause Aeverybody’s doin’ it
Does that G#mean that I can, too? Oh…


C#mHer eyes went dowG#mn and G#mcut      Gmyou      F#mup
And there’s Bnothing like a G#mdirty look from
C#mThe one you G#mwant, or the G#mone      Gmyou’ve    F#mlost       B         G#m


EAn ache C#min your sG#moul is everybody’s Agoal
To F#mget what they cEmaj7an’t have      E7
That’s why Ayou’re after F#mher
And that’s why G#mshe’s after him
But C#sayin’ it wont change a tF#mhing       B        B6       E


And they’ll reaF#mlize that Bit won’t cB6hange a tEhing      C#7
F#mRealise that itB won’t cB6hange a tEhing


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