Arctic Monkeys – Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High Ukulele Chords

Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High Ukulele Chords
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Voice Range: FG (1 octave + 3 half tones) – how to use this?



   Gm        D#        Cm        Cm
   1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 | 1 2 3 4 |
*valid only in the key of Gm


GmThe mirror’s iD#mage      Cmtells me it’Cms home time
GmBut I’m not fiD#nished     Cm‘Cause you’re not Cmby my side
GmAnd as I arD#rived I thought I saw you Cmleaving, caCmrrying your shoes
GmDecided that onD#ce again I was just Cmdreaming, Cmof bumping into you


Gm   Now iD#t’s three in the Cmmorning
And I’m tCmrying to change your Gmmind
Left you mD#ultiple missed cCmalls and to my mCmessage you reGmply
D#Why’d you only call me when you’re Cmhigh?     Cm
GmHi,       D#why’d you only call me when you’re Cmhigh?”     Cm


GmSomewhere daD#rker,      Cmtalking the Cmsame shite
GmI need a pD#artner (hey) Cmwell, are you oCmut tonight?
GmIt’s harder and hD#arder to get you to Cmlisten
CmMore I get through the gears
GmIncapable oD#f making alright deCmcisions
CmAnd having bad ideas


Gm   Now iD#t’s three in the Cmmorning
And I’m tCmrying to change your Gmmind
Left you mD#ultiple missed cCmalls and to my mCmessage you reGmply
D#Why’d you only call me when you’re Cmhigh?     Cm
GmHi,       D#why’d you only call me when you’re Cmhigh?”     Cm


D#         Cm   And I can’t Gmsee you here wonGmder where I migD#ht?
Cm     Sort of Gmfeels like I’m runGmning out of timD#e
Cm     I haven’t Gmfound what I was hGmoping to finD#d
Cm     You said, “You gotta Dbe up in the morning, gonna have an early night
And Dyou’re starting to bore me, baby
Why’d you only call me when you’re D#high?”


Interlude:   D#   Cm   Gm   Gm


Why’d you D#only ever Cmphone me when you’re Gmhigh?      Gm
Why’d you D#only ever Cmphone me when you’re Gmhigh?      Gm
Why’d you D#only ever Cmphone me when you’re Gmhigh?      Gm
Why’d you D#only ever Cmphone me when you’re Gmhigh?


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