Zombie Ukulele Chords – Cranberries Ukulele Chords

Cranberries - Zombie Ukulele Chords
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Voice Range: F#A (1 Octave + 4 half tones) – find your voice range…


Em C G D x4


EmAnother Chead hangs lowly Gchild is slowly Dtaken
EmAnd the violence Ccaused such silence Gwho are we mistaDken
But you Esee it’s not met it’s not Cmy family
In your Ghead, in your head they are figDhting
With their Emtanks and their bombs and their Cbombs and their guns
In your Ghead, in your head they are Dcrying


In your Emhead, in your Chead
ZombieG, zombie, zombie Deh, eh, eh
What’s in your Emhead, in your Chead
ZombieG, zombie, zombie eDh, eh, eh, eh, oh
EmDou, dou, dou, dou, dou
CDou, dou, dou, dou, dou
GDou, dou, dou, dou, dou
DDou, dou, dou, dou, dou


Em C G D


EmAnother Cmother’s breakin’ Gheart is taking Dover
EmWhen the violence Ccauses silence, Gwe must be misDtaken
It’s the Emsame old theme since Cnineteen-sixteen
In your Ghead, in your head they’re still Dfightin’
With their Emtanks and their bombs and their Cbombs and their guns
In your Ghead, in your head they are Ddying


In your Emhead, in your Chead
ZombieG, zombie, zombie Deh, eh, eh
What’s in your Emhead, in your Chead
ZombieG, zombie, zombie eDh, eh, eh, eh, oh

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