Amy Winehouse – Valerie Ukulele Chords

Valerie Ukulele Chords
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Voice Range: GG# (1 Octave + 2 half tones) – how to use this?


Intro: D#

Well someD#times I go out by myself
And I look across the Fmwater
And I D#think of all the things, what you’re doing
And in my head I paint a Fmpicture


G#Since I’ve come on home,
Well my Gmbody’s been a mess
And I’ve G#missed your ginger hair
And the Gmway you like to dress
G#Won’t you come on over
D#Stop making a fool out of A#me
Why don’t you come on over, D#Valerie?


FmValerie, D#Valerie, FmValerie,


Did you D#have to go to jail,
Put your house on up for sale, did you get a good Fmlawyer?
I hope you D#didn’t catch a tan,
I hope you find the right man who’llFm fix it for ya
Are you shD#opping anywhere,
Changed the color of your hair, are you Fmbusy?
And did you D#have to pay that fine
That you were dodging all the time, are you stillFm dizzy?


G#‘Couse since I’ve come on home,
Well my Gmbody’s been a mess
And I’ve G#missed your ginger hair
And the Gmway you like to dress
G#Won’t you come on over?
D#Stop making a fool out of A#me
Why don’t you come on over, D#Valerie?


FmValerie, D#Valerie, FmValerie,


Well D#sometimes I go out by myself
And I look across the Fmwater
And I D#think of all the things, what you’re doing
And in my head I paint a Fmpicture


G#‘Couse since I’ve come on home,
Well my Gmbody’s been a mess
And I’ve G#missed your ginger hair
And the Gmway you like to dress
G#Won’t you come on over?
D#Stop making a fool out of A#me
Why don’t you come on over, D#Valerie?


FmValerie, D# Valerie,
FmValerie, D# Valerie,
FmValerie, D# Valerie,
FmValerie, Why don’t you come over, D#Valerie?



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