The Beatles – Here Comes The Sun Ukulele Chords + Tabs

Voice Range: D – B (9 half tones) – how to use this?
Important!: The original song is in the key of A. If you want to play it in the original key we suggest you use a capo on the 2nd fret.
There are two picks in the song. Please note that if you transpose the song – these picks won’t work with the transposed chords. However – the chords above the tabs will be transposed as well.
A-2---0-2-- E---3------
A-----------0- E--2-0-2--3---
A-2-02-20-- --0--- ----0- 2-02-20-- -20-- ---
E--3--3--3- 03-30- 2023-- -3--3--3- 0--3- 2--
C---------- ------ ------ --------- ----- ---
G---------- ------ ------ --------- ----- ---
G Here comes the sun (PPick-1doo doo doo doo)
C Here comes the A7sun when I say
G It’s all right
C G Am G D
A-----0- --0- --0- --0- -----
E----3-- -3-- -3-- -3-- 320--
C-2/4--- 2--- 0--- 2--- ---2-
G------- ---- ---- ---- -----
GLittle darling, it’s been a Clong cold lonely DwintPPick-2er
GLittle darling, it feels like Cyears since it’s been Dhere
G Here comes the sun (PPick-1doo doo doo doo)
C Here comes the A7sun when I say
G It’s all right
C G Am G D G D
A-----0- --0- --0- --0- ----- --2-02- ----0-
E----3-- -3-- -3-- -3-- 320-- 3--3--- 2023--
C-2/4--- 2--- 0--- 2--- ---2- -2----- ------
G------- ---- ---- ---- ----- ------- ------
GLittle darling, the smiles reCturning to the DfacesPPick-2
GLittle darling, it seems like Cyears since it’s been Dhere
G Here comes the sun (PPick-1doo doo doo doo)
C Here comes the A7sun when I say
G It’s all right
C G Am G D G D A# F C G D
A-----0- --0- --0- --0- ----- --2-02- ----0- ---- ---- ------- -2-- -0--
E----3-- -3-- -3-- -3-- 320-- 3--3--- 2023-- --1- --1- --0---- -3-- -2--
C-2/4--- 2--- 0--- 2--- ---2- -2----- ------ -2-- -0-- -0---0- -2-- -2--
G------- ---- ---- ---- ----- ------- ------ 3--- 2--- 0---0-- -0-- -2--
A#Sun, Fsun, Csun, here it cGomes D
A#Sun, Fsun, Csun, here it cGomes D
A#Sun, Fsun, Csun, here it cGomes D
A#Sun, Fsun, Csun, here it cGomes D
A#Sun, Fsun, Csun, here it cGomes D
A---------------------------3- E-2---02--3---2-3--5---3-5--2- C-2---22--2---2-2--2---2-2--2- G---------------------------2-
GLittle darling, I feel that Cice is slowly mDeltingPPick-2
GLittle darling, it seems like Cyears since it’s been Dclear
G Here comes the sun (PPick-1doo doo doo doo)
C Here comes the A7sun when I say
G It’s all right
C G Am G D
A-----0- --0- --0- --0- -----
E----3-- -3-- -3-- -3-- 320--
C-2/4--- 2--- 0--- 2--- ---2-
G------- ---- ---- ---- -----
G Here comes the sun (PPick-1doo doo doo doo)
C Here comes the A7sun
G It’s all right
C G Am G D
A-----0- --0- --0- --0- -----
E----3-- -3-- -3-- -3-- 320--
C-2/4--- 2--- 0--- 2--- ---2-
G------- ---- ---- ---- -----
G It’s all right
C G Am G D G D A# F C G D
A-----0- --0- --0- --0- ----- --2-02- ----0- ---- ---- ------- -2-- -0--
E----3-- -3-- -3-- -3-- 320-- 3--3--- 2023-- --1- --1- --0---- -3-- -2--
C-2/4--- 2--- 0--- 2--- ---2- -2----- ------ -2-- -0-- -0---0- -2-- -2--
G------- ---- ---- ---- ----- ------- ------ 3--- 2--- 0---0-- -0-- -2--