Sugar Sugar Ukulele Chords

The Archies – Sugar Sugar Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: DF# (1 octave + 5 half tones) – how to use this?


D   G   D   G


DSugar, G      ah honey Dhoney     G
You are my Dcandy gGirl      A
And you’ve got me Dwanting youG       A
DHoney, G        ah sugar suDgar     G
You are my cDandy gGirl       A
And you’ve got me waDnting you


DI just can’t believe the loGveliness of loDving you
D(I just can’t beGlieve it’s trDue)
DI just can’t believe the Gone to love this feeDling to
(DI just can’t beGlieve it’s trAue)


Ah Dsugar,    G        ah honey hDoney    G
You are my Dcandy giGrl     A
And you’ve got me waDnting you   G        A
Ah Dhoney,  G          ah sugar Dsugar     G
You are my Dcandy giGrl         A
And you’ve got me wDanting you


DWhen I kissed you, girl, I kGnew how sweet a Dkiss could be
(I Dknow how sweet a Gkiss can bDe)
DLike the summer sunshine Gpour your sweetness oDver me
(DPour your sweetness Gover     Ame)


PDour a little sugar on it hGoney
DPour a little sugar on it bGaby
DI’m gonna make your Glife so swAeet, yeah yeah yeah
DPour a little sugar on it Goh yeah   A
DPour a little sugar on it Ghoney
DPour a little sugar on it bGaby
DI’m gonna make your Glife so sweeAt, yeah yeah yeah
DPour a little sugar on it honey


Ah Dsugar,    G         ah honey hDoney      G
You are my cDandy girGl           A
And you’ve got me waDnting you   G        A
OhD honey,   G         honey, sugar suDgar…      G
You are my Dcandy gGirl…      A