Rolling Stones – Paint It Black Ukulele Chords

The chords are easier in the key of Dm.
Voice Range: E – F (1 octave + 2 half tones) – how to use this?
Fm I see a red door and I Cwant it painted black.
Fm No colours anymore I Cwant them to turn black.
Fm I D#see the G#girls walk by D#dressed in Fmtheir summer clothes.
Fm I D#have to tG#urn my heD#ad un-tiA#l my darkness goesC.
Fm I see a line of cars and Cthey’re all painted black.
Fm With flowers and by love both Cnever to come back.
Fm I D#see people G#turn their heD#ads and quiFmckly look away.
Fm Like a D#new born G#baby it D#just hapA#pens every day.C
Fm I look inside myself and Csee my heart is black.
Fm I see my red door and I Cwant it painted black.
Fm Maybe D#then I’ll G#fade a-waD#y and noFmt have to face the facts.
Fm It’s not D#easy G#facing up D#when your whole A#world is blacCk.
Fm No more will my green sea go Cturn a deeper blue.
Fm I could not force this thing Chappening to you.
Fm If D#I look hG#ard e-noD#ugh in-to Fmthe setting sun
Fm My D#love will G#laugh withD# me be-foreA# the morning comesC.
Fm C
Cm Cm Cm Cm Cm Cm Cm Cm hmmm… – Fade out –