Robbie Williams – Strong Ukulele Chords

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Voice Range: C – A# (1 octave + 11 half tones) – how to use this?
A|------------| E|-0--1--3--4-| C|------------| G|------------| *only valid in the key of D#
D#, G#, Fm, A#sus4 – A#
D#, F7, G#, A#sus4 – A#
D#My breath smells of a thousand fags
And G#when I’m drunk I dance like me Dad
I’ve Fmstarted to dress a bit like A#sus4him A#
D#Early morning when I wake up
I lG#ook like Kiss but without the make up
And Fmthat’s a good line to take it to
The A#sus4bridge A#
FmAnd you know and you know
Cos my Cmlife’s a mess
FmAnd I’m trying to grow so befA#sus4ore
I’m old IA#‘ll confess
D#You think that I’m F7strong you’re G#wrong
You’re A#sus4wrong A#
D#I’ll sing my F7song my sG#ong my sA#sus4ong A#
My D#bed’s full of takeaways
AndG# fantasies of easy lays
TheFm pause button’s broke on my viA#sus4deo A#
And D#is this real cos I feel fake
G#Oprah Winfrey, Ricki Lake
FmTeach me things I don’t need to A#sus4know A#
FmAnd you know and you know
Cos my Cmlife’s a mess
FmAnd I’m trying to grow so befA#sus4ore
I’m old IA#‘ll confess
D#You think that I’m F7strong you’re G#wrong
You’re A#sus4wrong A#
D#I’ll sing my F7song my sG#ong my sA#sus4ong A#
C#If I did it all again I’d be a nun
The G#rain was never cold when I was young
I’m still Fmyoung we’re still young RRiff
A#mLife’s too short to be afraid
G#Step D#in – Fmside the D#sun
Instrumental x2:
D#, F7, G#, A#sus4 – A#
FmAnd you know and you know
Cos my lCmife’s a mess
FmAnd I’m trying to grow
F#6Aaah pah pah C#add9Aaah pah pah Heey hey
Last Chorus:
D#You think that I’m F7strong you’re G#wrong
You’re A#sus4wrong A#
D#I’ll sing my F7song my sG#ong my sA#sus4ong A#
D#You think that I’m F7strong you’re G#wrong
You’re A#sus4wrong A#
D#I’ll sing my F7song my sG#ong my sA#sus4ong A#
D#Life’s too short to be afraid
So F7take a pill to numb the pain
G#You don’t have to take the blame A#sus4 A#
D#Life’s too short to be afraid
So F7take a pill to numb the pain
G#You don’t have to take the blame A#sus4 A#
D#Life’s too short to be afraid
So F7take a pill to numb the pain
G#You don’t have to take the blame A#sus4 A#