Mungo Jerry – In The Summertime Ukulele Chords

In The Summertime Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: C#E (1 Octave + 4 half tones) – how to use this?


E   E   A   E

B   A   E   E


In the Esummertime when the weather is hot
You can Estretch right up and touch the sky
When the Aweather’s fine
You got women, you got women on your Emind
Have a Bdrink, have a drive
Go Aout and see what you can Efind        E


If her Edaddy’s rich, take her out for a meal
If her Edaddy’s poor, just do what you feel
Speed aAlong the lane
Do a ton or a ton and twenty-Efive
When the Bsun goes down
You can Amake it, make it good and really Efine        E


We’re no Ethreat people, we’re not dirty, we’re not mean
We love Eeverybody, but we do as we please
When the Aweather’s fine
We go fishing or go swimming in the Esea
We’re always Bhappy
Life’s for Aliving, yeah, that’s our philosoEphy        E


Sing Ealong with us, dee-dee dee-dee dee
Da doo Eda-da da, yeah, we’re hap-pap-py
Da da Ada, dee da doo dee da doo da doo Eda
Da doo Bda-da da, dee da Ada dee da Eda        E


E   E   A   E

B   A   E   E


When the Ewinter’s here, yeah, it’s party time
Bring your Ebottle, wear your bright clothes ’cause it will soon be summertime
And we’ll Asing again
We’ll go driving or maybe we’ll settle Edown
If she’s Brich, if she’s nice
Bring your Afriends and we’ll all go into Etown        E


E   E   A   E

B   A   E   E


In the Esummertime when the weather is hot
You can Estretch right up and touch the sky
When the Aweather’s fine
You got women, you got women on your Emind
Have a Bdrink, have a drive
Go Aout and see what you can Efind        E


If her Edaddy’s rich, take her out for a meal
If her Edaddy’s poor, just do what you feel
Speed aAlong the lane
Do a ton or a ton and twenty-Efive
When the Bsun goes down
You can Amake it, make it good and really Efine        E


We’re no Ethreat people, we’re not dirty, we’re not mean
We love Eeverybody, but we do as we please
When the Aweather’s fine
We go fishing or go swimming in the Esea
We’re always Bhappy
Life’s for Aliving, yeah, that’s our philosoEphy        E


Sing Ealong with us, dee-dee dee-dee dee
Da doo Eda-da da, yeah, we’re hap-pap-py
Da da Ada, dee da doo dee da doo da doo Eda
Da doo Bda-da da, dee da Ada dee da Eda        E