Marvin Gaye – Sexual Healing Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: C – C (1 octave + 8 half tones) – how to use this?
Intro x2:
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 &
A# Cm Gm7 G# D#
A#Ooh babCmy, Gm7 G# D#I’m hot just like an ovA#en Cm
I Gm7need some G#lovin’ D#
AnA#d babCmy, Gm7 G# ID# can’t hold it much A#longer Cm
It’s Gm7getting G#stronger and D#stronger
And A#when I get that Cmfeeling
Gm7I want G#sexual D#healing
A#SexualCm Gm7healing, G# D# oh baby
A# Makes Cmme feel Gm7so G#fine D#
A#Helps to reCmlieve Gm7my G#mind D#
A#SexualCm healinGm7g G#baby, is D#good for me
A#SexualCm healGm7ing is Fmsomething Gm7that’s G#good A#for D#me
D#Whenever blue teardrops are falG7lin’
G#And my emotional staFmbility Gm7 G#is A#leaving D#me
D#There is something IG7 can do
I can G#get on the telephone and Fmcall you Gm7up babG#y A# D#
D#And honey I know you’ll be tG7here to relieve me
The G#love you give to me Fmwill Gm7free G#me A# D#
D#If you don’t know the thing you’re G7dealing
Ohh G#I can tell you, darling, that it’s FmsexuGm7al G#healinA#g
A#Get up, get Cmup, get up, get Gm7up
G#Let’s make love toD#night
A#Wake up, wake Cmup, wake up, wake Gm7up
G#‘Cause you do it D#right
A#Ba-a-Cma-a-a-a-Gm7a-a-a-a-a-a-aG#by A# D#, I got sick this A#mornin’ Cm
A Gm7sea was G#stormin’ inA#side of me D#
A#Ba-a-Cma-a-a-a-Gm7a-a-a-a-a-a-aG#by A# D#, I think I’m A#capsizin’ Cm
The Gm7waves are G#risin’ and D#risin’
And A#when I get thCmat feeling
Gm7I want G#sexual D#healing
A#SexualCm healGm7ing G# is D#good for me
A#Makes Cmme feel Gm7so G#fine, it’s suD#ch a rush
A#Helps to reCmlieve Gm7the G#mind, and it’s D#good for us
A#Sexual Cm heaGm7ling, G#baby, it’s D#good for me
A#Sexual Cm healGm7ing is Fmsomething Gm7that’s G#good A#for D#me
D#Well, it’s good for me aG7nd it’s so good to me my G#baby
D#Come take control, G7just grab a hold
G#Of my body and mind, soon we’ll be Fmmaking it, Gm7honey
G#I’ll be A#feeling D#fine,
You’re my medicine, G7open up and let me in
G#Darling, you’re so great, FmI can’t Gm7wait for you to G#operateA#
A#Get up, get Cmup, get up, get Gm7up
G#Let’s make love toD#night
A#Wake up, wake Cmup, wake up, wake Gm7up
G#‘Cause you do it D#right
A# CmI can’t Gm7wait for you to G#operate D#
A#When I get Cmthis feeliGm7ng
I need G#sexual hD#ealing
Oh wA#hen I get Cmthis feeliGm7ng
I need G#sexual hD#ealing
I gotta have A#sexualCm healGm7ing, G#darling
‘Cause I’m D#all alone
A#SexualCm heaGm7ling, G#darling
Till you D#come back home