Marry You Ukulele Chords – Bruno Mars Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: C – D (1 Octave + 3 half tones) – how to use this?
Intro: F Gm A# F
Hey A#baby, I think I wanna marryF you.
Is it the Flook in your eyes, Or is it this Gmdancing juice?
Who A#cares baby, I think I wanna marry Fyou.
Well I Fknow this little chapel on the boulevard we can Gmgo oh oh oh,
No one willA# know oh oh oh, Oh, coFme on, girl.
Shots of A#patron, And it’s Fon, girl.
Don’t say no, Fno, no, no-no, Just say Gmyeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah;
And we’ll A#go, go, go, go-go. If you’re Fready, like I’m ready.
Hey A#baby, I think I wanna marryF you.
Is it the Flook in your eyes, Or is it this Gmdancing juice?
Who A#cares baby, I think I wanna marry Fyou.
I’ll Fgo get a ring let the choir bells sing like Gmoooh,
So what you wanA#na do? Let’s just Frun girl.
If Fwe wake up and you wanna break up that’s Gmcool.
No, I won’t blaA#me you; It was Ffun, girl.
And we’ll A#go, go, go, go-go. If you’re Fready, like I’m ready.
Hey A#baby, I think I wanna marryF you.
Is it the Flook in your eyes, Or is it this Gmdancing juice?
Who A#cares baby, I think I wanna marry Fyou.
Just say I dooFoooo-ooo Gmuhu, Tell me right A#now baby,
Tell me right Fnow baby, baby.
Just say I dooFoooo-ooo Gmuhu, Tell me right A#now baby,
Tell me right Fnow baby, baby.
Hey A#baby, I think I wanna marryF you.
Is it the Flook in your eyes, Or is it this Gmdancing juice?
Who A#cares baby, I think I wanna marry Fyou.