Mac DeMarco – This Old Dog Ukulele Chords
Voice Range: C – A# (11 half tones) – how to use this?
G#maj7Sometimes my lA#13ove may be pA#6ut on holG#d
G#maj7Sometimes my A#13heart may seem aA#6wful coldG#
G#maj7These times comA#13e and thA#6ese times goG#
G#maj7As long as I lA#13ive, all you neA#6ed to knoG#w is
F9This old A#6dog ain’t aD#9bout to forG#get
F9All we’ve A#6had and alD#9l that’s nexG#t
F9‘Long as my A#6heart’s beating D#9in my chG#est
F9This old dA#6og ain’t aD#9bout to forgG#et
G#maj7Often a heA#13art tends to chA#6ange its mindG#
G#maj7A new day decA#13ides on a neA#6w design G#
G#maj7A new day gets sA#13et on anA#6other wG#ay
G#maj7As long as I A#13live, all I’ve gA#6ot to say isG#
F9This old A#6dog ain’t aD#9bout to forG#get
F9All we’ve A#6had and alD#9l that’s nexG#t
F9‘Long as my A#6heart’s beating D#9in my chG#est
F9This old dA#6og ain’t aD#9bout to forgG#et