Joe Cocker – You Can Leave Your Hat On Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: G – G (1 octave + 1 half tone) – how to use this?
This will sound way better on a low G string ukulele, but it will also work on a high G.
Better way to grab some of the chords:
C C7
We have a few super cool picks in this song:
Intro pick (also used in the Bridge):
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & | 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & | 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & | 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & |
D# D# D# A#
*valid only in the key of F
The main pick (C-Pick):
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & | A|-3---------------| E|-3---------------| C|-4---4-3-4-------| G|-5---------0-2-5-| *valid only in the key of F
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & | A|-3---------------| E|-3---------------| C|-4---4-3-4-------| G|-5---------0-2-3-| *valid only in the key of F
Okay, after that being said, let’s do the song:
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & | 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & | 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & | 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & |
D# D# D# A#
*valid only in the key of F
C-Pick x4:
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & | A|-3---------------| E|-3---------------| C|-4---4-3-4-------| G|-5---------0-2-5-| *valid only in the key of F
C-PickBaby, take off your C-Pickcoat… C-Pickreal slow C-Pick
C-PickBaby, take off your C-Pickshoes…here, C-PickI’ll take your shoes C-Pick
C-PickBaby, take off your C-Pickdress, C-PickYes, yes, yes C-Pick
You can Cleave your hat on C7
You can Fleave your hat on A#
You can leave your hat oC-Pickn C-Pick
C-PickGo on over there and C-Pickturn on the light… C-Pickno, all the lights C-Pick
C-PickNow come back here anC-Pickd stand on this chair..C-Pick.that’s right C-Pick
C-PickRaise your arms up C-Pickin to the air… C-Pick shake ‘C-Pickem
CYou give me a reason to live
C7You give me a reason to live
FYou give me a reason to live
A#You give me a reason to live
C-Pick, C-A#-Pick
Sweet A#darling F (You can leave your hat C-Pickon)
You can C-A#-Pickleave your hat oA#n…
FBaby (You can leave your hat C-Pickon)
You can leaveC-A#-Pick your hat on A# F
(You can leave your hat C-Pickon) C-A#-Pick A# F
(You can leave your hat C-Pickon) C-Pick
C-PickSuspicious minds are C-Picktalking
C-PickTrying to tear us apartC-Pick
C-Pick They don’t believe in this C-Picklove of mine
C-Pick They don’t know what C-Picklove is
They don’t know what love is D#-Pick
They don’t know what love is D#-Pick
They don’t know what love is D#-Pick
A#I know what love is
Outro Chorus:
C-Pick, C-A#-Pick
A# F (You can leave your hat C-Pickon)
You can leave your hat oC-A#-Pickn…
A# F (You can leave your hat C-Pickon)
Give me a C-A#-Pickreason to live
A# F (You can leave your hat C-Pickon) C-A#-Pick
A# F (You can leave your hat C-Pickon) C-A#-Pick