Eric Clapton – Pretty Girl Ukulele Chords

Pretty Girl Ukulele Chords
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Voice Range: DG (1 octave + 6 half tones) – how to use this



|F      |Dm     |A      |C      |
|G      |A      |Dm     |Dm  C  |


FPretty girl,Dm you are the Alight of my liCfe,
GI mean my AeverytDmhing.      C
FYou are the Dmone I chose to Amake my wCife,
GThat’s why you C#wear   D#my      Fring.


DmAnd when I’m A#feeling Cdown and Fout,
DmYou’re the A#one who will Cbail me Fout.
My A#love will always guide me Chome


My pretty Dgirl.     Bm          E        A
Oh, pretty Dgirl.     Bm          E        A
My pretty Dgirl.     Bm          E        A        C


FPretty girl, Dm don’t ever Asay goodCbye,
GDon’t ever Alet me Dmbe,        C
FIf you Dmdo, you know that AI would die,C
GYou mean that C#much    D#to       Fme.


DmAnd when I’m A#feeling Clow and Fblue,
DmYou always A#know just Cwhat to Fdo.
My A#love will always guide me Chome


My pretty Dgirl.     Bm          E        A
Oh, pretty Dgirl.     Bm          E        A
My pretty Dgirl.     Bm          E        A        C



|F      |Dm     |A      |C      |
|G      |A      |Dm     |Dm  C  |
|F      |Dm     |A      |C      |
|G      |C#  D# |F      |F      |


DmAnd when I’m A#feeling Cdown and Fout,
DmYou’re the A#one who will Cbail me Fout.
My A#love will always guide me Chome


My pretty Dgirl.     Bm          E        A
Oh, pretty Dgirl.     Bm          E        A
My pretty Dgirl.     Bm          E        A        C


FPretty girl, Dmhear what I Ahave to saCy,
GIt’s something yoAu should kDmnow,      C
FYou brought me Dmsunshine on my Adarkest dCay,
GThat’s why I C#love      D#you        Fso.


DmAnd when my A#wandering Cday is thrFough,
DmI’ll always A#hurry back Chome to Fyou.
My A#love will always guide me Chome


My pretty Dgirl.     Bm          E        A
Oh, pretty Dgirl.     Bm          E        A
My pretty Dgirl.     Bm          E        A


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