Mr. Blue Sky Ukulele Chords

Electric Light Orchestra – Mr. Blue Sky Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: DC (1 octave + 11 half tones) – how to use this?


Intro:    F


FSun is shining in the sky
There ain’t aEm7 cloud   A7in     Dmsight
It’s stopped Graining
EveryEm7body’s in a A7play
And don’t you A#know
CIt’s a beautiful new Fday, Hey ay Cay!


FRunnin’ down the avenue
See how the Em7sun      sA7hines bDmrightly
In the Gcity on the Em7streets where once was A7pity
Mr. A#Blue Sky is liviCng here Ftoday, Hey ay Cay!


DmMr. Blue CSky, please tell us A#why
You had to Fhide away
For Gmso long (Fso long)
Where did D#we go wrong?A#


DmMr. Blue CSky, please tell us A#why
You had to Fhide away
For Gmso long (Fso long)
Where did D#we go wrong?A#



|F       |F       |F       |Em7 A7  |
|Dm      |G       |Em7     |A7      |
|A#      |C       |F       |C       |


FHey you with the pretty face
Welcome to the Em7hu  –  maA7n       Dmrace
A celeGbration, Mr. Em7Blue Sky’s up there A7waitin’
And toA#day is the Cday we’ve waited Ffor, OoorCrr


DmMr. Blue CSky, please tell us A#why
You had to Fhide away
For Gmso long (Fso long)
Where did D#we go wrong?A#


DmHey there CMr. Blue
A#We’re so pleased to Fbe with you
GmLook around see Fwhat you do
D#Everybody smiles at A#you


DmHey there CMr. Blue
A#We’re so pleased to Fbe with you
GmLook around see Fwhat you do
D#Everybody smiles at A#you


Robotic Voice:
FMr. Blue Sky,  Em7Mr.         A7         Dm Blue    GSky       Em7
A7Mr.     BlA#ue     SCkyyFyyyyyC


FMr. Blue you did it right
But soon comes Em7Mis   –   A7ter NigDmht
Creeping oGver, now his haEm7nd is on your shoA7ulder
NeverA# mind, I’ll reCmember you this   C#
I’ll reD#member you this D#way!


DmMr. Blue CSky, please tell us A#why
You had to Fhide away
For Gmso long (Fso long)
Where did D#we go wrong?A#


DmHey there CMr. Blue
A#We’re so pleased to Fbe with you
GmLook around see Fwhat you do
D#Everybody smiles at A#you



|Dm      |C       |A#      |F       |
|Gm      |F       |D#      |A#      |
|Dm      |C       |A#      |F       |
|Gm      |F       |D#      |D#      |
|A#      |A#      |F


|C#      |C#      |C#      |C#      |
|C#      |C#      |C#      |C#      |
|C#      |C#      |C#      |C#      |
|C#  G#  |G#      |G#m     |D#      |
|Gm      |Fm      |Bdim    |D#      |