Britney Spears – Hit Me Baby One More Time Ukulele Chords

Hit Me Baby One More Time Ukulele Chords
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Easier chords in the key of D (half step down)

Voice Range: D#C (1 octave + 10 half tones) – how to use this


A#    Cm–Cm

Oh, baby, baby
Oh, baby, baby


CmOh, baby, baby
How Gwas I suppA#osed to kD#now
That Fmsomething wasn’t Gright here?
CmOh, baby, baby
I Gshouldn’t have A#let you D#go
And nFmow you’re out of sGight, yeah


CmShow me how you want it Gto be
Tell me, D#baby,
‘Cause I need to Fmknow now, Goh, because…


CmMy loneliness is kGilling me (aA#nd I)
D#I must confess, I Fmstill believe (Gstill believe)
CmWhen I’m not with you I lose Gmy mind
A#Give me a D#sign
FmHit me, baby, Gone more time


CmOh, baby, baby
The Greason I A#breathe D#is you
FmBoy, you got me Gblinded
CmOh, baby, baby
There’s Gnothing tA#hat I woD#uldn’t do
It’s Fmnot the way I pGlanned it


CmShow me how you want it tGo be
A#Tell me, D#baby,
‘Cause I need to Fmknow now, oGh, because…


CmMy loneliness is kGilling me (and A#I)
D#I must confess, I Fmstill believe (Gstill believe)
CmWhen I’m not with you I lose Gmy mind
GA#ive me a D#sign
FmHit me, baby, Gone more time


A#    Cm–Cm
Oh, baby, baby
Oh, baby, baby
Ah, yeah, yeah


CmOh, baby, baby
How Gwas I supposed to kD#now?     Fm        G
G#Oh, pretty, baby
I A#shouldn’t have let you G#go     Fm


GI must confessCm
That my lonelGiness
IA#s killing me D#now
Don’t youFm know I sGtill beliG#eve
That you will be A#here
And give me a G#sign
FmHit me, baby, Gone more tiCmme


CmMy loneliness is kGilling me (and A#I)
D#I must confess, I Fmstill believe (Gstill believe)
CmWhen I’m not with you I lose Gmy mind
A#Give me a D#sign
FmHit me, baby, Gone more time


GI must confessCm
That my lonelGiness
IA#s killing me D#now
Don’t youFm know I sGtill beliG#eve
That you will be A#here
And give me a G#sign
FmHit me, baby, Gone more tiCmme

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