Beirut – Elephant Gun Ukulele Chords
The chords are a lot easier in the key of G (one half step down)
Voice Range: F – F (1 octaves + 1 half tone) – how to use this?
Intro x2: A#m, D#7, G#, C# – C#maj7
A#m If I was D#7young, I’d flee this G#town
I’d bury myC# dreams unC#maj7dergroundA#m
As did D#7I, we drink to G#die, we drink toC#ni-i-i-i-iC#maj7ght A#m
Far from D#7home, elephant gG#uns
Let’s take them C#down C#maj7one by oneA#m
We’ll lay it D#7down, it’s not been G#found, it’s not C#aro-o-o-C#maj7o-o-o-ound A#m
Let the D#7seasons beG#gin – it rC#olls C#maj7right onA#m
Let the D#7seasons beG#gin – take the C#big C#maj7king doA#mwn
Let the D#7seasons beG#gin – it rC#olls C#maj7right onA#m
Let the D#7seasons beG#gin – take the C#big C#maj7king doA#mwn
Bridge x16: A#m, D#7, G#, C# – C#maj7
A#m And it rips tD#7hrough the G#silence of C#our C#maj7camp at nigA#mht
And it rips D#7through the G#night, oh C#la C#maj7la A#mla
A#m And it rips tD#7hrough the G#silence of C#our C#maj7camp at nigA#mht
A#m And it rips tD#7hrough the G#silence, all that is C#left is C#maj7all I hideA#m
Outro: A#m, D#7, G#, C# – C#maj7