Alphaville – Forever Young Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: A – C (1 octave + 4 half tones) – how to use this?
Intro: C G Am F G Dm F Am C
CLet’s dance in Gstyle, let’s dance for a Amwhile
Heaven can Fwait, we’re only watching the Gskies
Hoping for the Dmbest, but expecting the Fworst
Are you going to drop the Ambomb or not? G C
CLet us die Gyoung or let us live foAmrever
We don’t have the Fpower, but we never say Gnever
Sitting in a Dmsandpit, life is a Fshort trip
The music’s for the Amsad men G C
CCan you iGmagine when this race is won ? Am
Turn our golden Ffaces into the sunG
Praising our Dmleaders, we’re getting in Ftune
The music’s played by the Ammad Gmen
CForever Gyoung, I want to Ambe forever Fyoung
GDo you really want to Dmlive forever, Fforever Gand ever
CForever Gyoung, I want to Ambe forever Fyoung
GDo you really want to Dmlive forever, F Gforever Cyoung G C
CSome are like Gwater, some are like the Amheat,
some are a Fmelody and some are the Gbeat
Sooner or Dmlater, they all will be Fgone,
why don’t they stay Amyoung? G C
CIt’s so hard to get Gold without a cause, Am
I don’t want to Fperish like a fading horse G
Youth’s like Dmdiamonds in the sun F
and diamonds are forAmever G C
CSo many adGventures couldn’t happen toAmday,
so many Fsongs we forgot to play G
So many Dmdreams swinging out of the Fblue,
we let them come Amtrue G C
CForever Gyoung, I want to Ambe forever Fyoung
GDo you really want to Dmlive forever, Fforever Gand ever
CForever Gyoung, I want to Ambe forever Fyoung
GDo you really want to Dmlive forever, Fforever Gand ever
CForever Gyoung, I want to Ambe forever Fyoung
GDo you really want to Dmlive forever, Fforever and Gever
C G Am F G Dm F Am G C
C G Am F G Dm F Am G C