Adele – Hiding My Heart Ukulele Chords

The chords are easier in the key of G or C
Voice Range: F# – G# (1 octave + 3 half tone) – find your voice range here
Intro: B, E x2
BThis is how the Estory went
I G#mmet someone byF# accident
Who Eblew me awayB
EBlew me awayF#
And It wBas in the darkest of my dF#6ays
When you G#mtook my sorrow and you F#took my pain
And Eburied them Baway
EBuried them aF#way
I C#mwish I could lay F#down beside you
BWhen the day is G#mdone
And C#mwake up to yourF# face against the G#mmorning sun
But C#mlike everything I’veF# ever known
You’ll Bdisappear one G#m]day
So I’ll C#mspend my whole life F#hiding my heart awayB
BDropped you off at theE train station
G#mPut a kiss onF# top of your head
EWatched you wBave
And Ewatched you F#wave
Then I wBent on home to F#6my skyscrapers
And G#mneon lights and F#waiting papers
That EI call hoBme
EI call that hoF#me
I C#mwish I could lay F#down beside you
BWhen the day is G#mdone
And C#mwake up to yourF# face against the G#mmorning sun
But C#mlike everything I’veF# ever known
You’ll Bdisappear one G#mday
So I’ll C#mspend my whole life F#hiding my heart awayB
B, E x4
BWoke up feelinEg heavy hearted
I’m G#mgoing back to F#where I started
The Emorning raiBn
The Emorning raiF#n
And Bthough I wish that yF#6ou were here
On thaG#mt same old road that broF#ught me here
It’s Ecalling me hoBme
It’sE calling me hoF#me
I C#mwish I could lay F#down beside you
BWhen the day is G#mdone
And C#mwake up to yourF# face against the G#mmorning sun
But C#mlike everything I’veF# ever known
You’ll Bdisappear one G#mday
So I’ll C#mspend my whole life F#hiding my heart awayB
I can sC#mpend my whole life F#hiding my heart Baway