5 Years Time Ukulele Chords – Noah and the Whale Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: G – C (1 Octave + 6 half tones) – how to use this?
C, F, G, F
Oh well in Cfive years Ftime we could be Gwalking round a Fzoo
With the Csun shining Fdown over Gme and Fyou
And there’ll be Clove in the Fbodies of the Gelephants Ftoo
And I’ll put my Chands over Fyour eyes, but Gyou’ll peep Fthrough
And there’ll be Csun sun Fsun, Gall over our Fbodies
And Csun sun Fsun, Gall down our Fnecks
And Csun sun Fsun, Gall over our Ffaces
And Csun sun Fsun – Gso what the Fheck!
Cos CI’ll be Flaughing at all your Gsilly little Fjokes
And Cwe’ll be Flaughing about how we Gused to Fsmoke
All those Cstupid little Fcigarettes and Gdrink stupid Fwine
Cos it’s Cwhat we Fneeded to Ghave a good Ftime
And it was Cfun fun Ffun Gwhen we were Cdrinking
It was Cfun fun Ffun Gwhen we were Cdrunk
And it was Cfun fun Ffun Gwhen we were Claughing
It was Cfun fun Ffun, oh Git was Cfun
Oh well I Clook at you and Fsay
It’s the Ghappiest that I’ve ever Fbeen
And I’ll Csay I no longFer feel I have Gto be James FDean
And she’ll say
“CYah well FI feel all Gpretty happyF too”
And I’m Calways pretty hapFpy when I’m just Gkicking back with Fyou
And it’ll be Clove love Flove Gall through our Fbodies
And Clove love Flove Gall through our Fminds
And it be CLove love Flove Gall over her Ffaces
And CLove love Flove Gall over Fmine
Although Cmaybe all these Fmoments are Gjust in my Fhead
I’ll be Cthinking ‘bout Fthem as I’m Glying in Fbed
And Call that I Fbelieve, it might not Geven come Ftrue
But Cin my mFind I’m havin’ a pretty goGod time with Fyou
In Cfive years Ftime GI might not Fknow you
In Cfive years Ftime Gwe might not five years Ftime Gwe might not Fget along
In Cfive years Ftime Gyou might just Fprove me wrong
C, F, G, F x2
Oh there’ll be Clove love Flove Gwherever Fyou go x8
There’ll be Clove