Soft Cell – Tainted Love Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: F – A (1 octaves + 5 half tones) – how to use this?
Gm A# D# Cm A|-1--1---1--1---1--1----1-3---| E|-3--3---1--1---3--3------3---| C|-2--2---2--2---3--3------3---| G|-0--0---3--3---3--3------0---| *Valid only in the key of Gm
SomeGmtimes A#I feD#el I’ve Cmgot to
Gm A#Run awD#ay, I’ve Cmgot to
Gm A#Get awD#ay from the Cmpain
You Gmdrive into the A#heart of me
The Gmlove A#we sD#hare
SCmeems to Gmgo A#no – D#where
CmAnd I’ve Gmlost A#my lD#ight
CmFor I Gmtoss and turn, I can’t A#sleep at night
GOnce I ran to you (I ran)
A#Now I’ll run from you
D#This tainted love you’ve given
CmI give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that’s not nearly Gmall
A#Tainted D#love (Cmoh)
Gm A#Tainted D#love Cm
GmNow A#I knD#ow I’ve Cmgot to
Gm A#Run aD#way, I’ve Cmgot to
Gm A#Get awD#ay, Cmyou don’t
GmReally want any A#more from me
To Gmmake A#things D#right
You Cmneed someGmone to A#hold you D#tight
CmAnd you Gmthink love A#is to pD#ray
CmBut I’m sGmorry, I don’t pA#ray that way
GOnce I ran to you (I ran)
A#Now I’ll run from you
D#This tainted love you’ve given
CmI give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that’s not nearly Gmall
A#Tainted D#love (Cmoh)
Gm A#Tainted D#love Cm
Don’t Gmtouch A#me, pD#lease
I Cmcannot Gmstand the A#way you tD#ease Cm
I Gmlove you A#though youD# hurt me Cmso
Now I’m Gmgonna pack my tA#hings and go
Gm A#Tainted D#love (Cmoh)
Gm A#Tainted D#love (Cmoh)
Gm A#Tainted D#love (Cmoh)
Gm A#Tainted D#love (Cmoh)
Gm A#Touch me, baby, D#tainted lovCme
Gm A#Touch me, baby, D#tainted lovCme
Gm A#Tainted D#love (Cmoh)
Gm A#Tainted D#love (Cmoh)
Gm A#Tainted D#love Cm
Gm A#Tainted D#love Cm