Riptide Ukulele Chords – Vance Joy

Easier version to play is in key of Am (1 halftone down)
Voice Range: A# – A# (1 Octave + 1 half tone) – how to use this?
Intro: A#m, G#, C#, C# x2
A#mI was scared of deG#ntists and the C#dark
A#mI was scared of G#pretty girls and staC#rting conversations
Oh, A#mall my frieG#nds are turning C#green
A#mYou’re the magiciaG#n’s assistant in theirC# dream
A#mOoh, G#ooh, oohC#
A#mOoh, anG#d they comeC# unstuck
A#mLady, G#running down to the C#riptide
Taken away to the A#mdark side
G#I wanna be your C#left hand man
A#mI love you G#when you’re singing that C#song and
I got a lump in my A#mthroat ’cause
G#You’re gonna sing the C#words wrong
A#mThere’s this movie thG#at I think you’ll likeC#
A#mThis guy decides to quiG#t his job and headC#s to New York City
A#mThis cowboy’s G#running from himC#self
A#mAnd she’s been livingG# on the highest shelfC#
A#mOoh, G#ooh, oohC#
A#mOoh, anG#d they comeC# unstuck
A#mLady, G#running down to the C#riptide
Taken away to the A#mdark side
G#I wanna be your C#left hand man
A#mI love you G#when you’re singing that C#song and
I got a lump in my A#mthroat ’cause
G#You’re gonna sing the C#words wrong
Single Notes: D#–F F–G# (hold) D#–F x4
A#mI just wanna, I just wanna kG#now
C#If you’re gonna, if you’re gonna sF#tay
A#mI just gotta, I just gotta knowG#
C#I can’t have it, I can’t have it any otherF# way
A#mI swear she’s deG#stined for the scrC#een
A#mClosest thing to MicG#helle Pfeiffer that yC#ou’ve ever seen, oh
A#mLady, G#running down to the C#riptide
Taken away to the A#mdark side
G#I wanna be your C#left hand man
A#mI love you G#when you’re singing that C#song and
I got a lump in my A#mthroat ’cause
G#You’re gonna sing the C#words wrong
A#mLady, G#running down to the C#riptide
Taken away to the A#mdark side
G#I wanna be your C#left hand man
A#mI love you G#when you’re singing that C#song and
I got a lump in my A#mthroat ’cause
G#You’re gonna sing the C#words wrong
A#mLady, G#running down to the C#riptide
Taken away to the A#mdark side
G#I wanna be your C#left hand man
A#mI love you G#when you’re singing that C#song and
I got a lump in my A#mthroat ’cause
G#You’re gonna sing the C#words wrong
And I got a lump in my A#mthroat ’cause
G#You’re gonna sing the C#words