Pink – Just Give Me A Reason Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: G – E (1 octave + 10 half tones) – how to use this?
Intro: Em A D G C G D
GRight from the start
You were a Cthief you stole my Emheart
And CI your willing vicGtim
GI let you see the parts of me that Cweren’t all that prettEmy
And with Cevery touch you fixed tGhem
Now Emyou’ve been talking Ain your slDeep oh oh
EmThings you never Asay to Dme oh oh
EmTell me that you’ve Ahad eDnough
GOf our Clove, Gour Dsuslove D
GJust give me a reason just a Dlittle bit’s enough
Just a Emsecond we’re not broken just bBment
And we can Dlearn to love again
GIt’s in the stars, It’s been Dwritten in the scars on our Emhearts
We’re not broken just bCent
And we can Dlearn to love aGgain
Im Gsorry I don’t understand where Call of this is Emcoming from
I Cthought that we were Gfine
(Oh we had everything)
Your Ghead is running wild again, my Cdear we still haveEm everything
And Cits all in your Gmind
(Yeah but this is happening)
EmYou’ve been having Areal bad Ddreams Oh oh
You Emused to lie so Aclose to Dme Oh oh
There’s Emnothing more than Aempty Dsheets
BeGtween out Clove, Bmour
Amlove, oh our Clove, Bmour Dlove
GJust give me a reason just a Dlittle bit’s enough
Just a Emsecond we’re not broken just bBment
And we can Dlearn to love again
GIt’s in the stars, It’s been Dwritten in the scars on our Emhearts
We’re not broken just bCent
And we can Dlearn to love aGgain
EmOh tears ducts and Bmrust
I’ll fix it for Cus
We’re collecting Ddust but our love’s enough
EmYou’re holding it Bmin, You’re pouring a drink
CNo nothing is as Ambad as Dsusit seems
We’ll come clean
No Instrumental:
Just give me a reason
Just a little bit’s enough
Just a second we’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It’s in the stars
It’s been written in the scars on our hearts
We’re not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again…
GJust give me a reason just a Dlittle bit’s enough
Just a Emsecond we’re not broken just bBment
And we can Dlearn to love again
GIt’s in the stars, It’s been Dwritten in the scars on our Emhearts
We’re not broken just bCent
And we can Dlearn to love aGgain
Gohh Dh we can learn to love aEmgain
ohhhhhBm we can Dlearn to love aGgain
D oh Emmh
EmThat we’re not broken just bBment and we can Dlearn to love again
Outro: Em A D G C G D G