Iggy Pop – Passenger Ukulele Chords

Iggy Pop Passenger Ukulele Chords
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Voice Range: DC (11 half tones) – how to use this?

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Intro x3:
Am   F   C   G
Am   F   C   E7


AmI am the pFassengerC        G
AmAnd I rideF and I ridCe      E7
Am I ride throFugh the Ccity’s backGsides
AmI see the Fstars comeC out of tE7he sky
Am Yeah, the Fbright aCnd hollow sGky
Am You know iFt looks sCo good tonE7ight


Am   F   C   G
Am   F   C   E7


AmI am the pFassengerC         G
AmI stay unFder glassC        E7
Am I look thrFough my wCindow so Gbright
Am I see the Fstars comCe out tonE7ight
AmI see the Fbright andC hollow Gsky
AmOver the cFity’s ripCped backsE7ides
AmAnd everytFhing looksC good tonGight
Am            F            C              E7Singing
AmLa la lFa la la lCa la la laG
AmLa la lFa la la lCa la la laE7
AmLa la lFa la la lCa la la laG
Am   F   C   E7


AmGet into tFhe car     C        G
AmWe’ll be thFe passenCger         E7
AmWe’ll ride tFhrough tChe city tGonight
AmWe’ll see the ciFty’s rippCed backsE7ides
AmWe’ll see tFhe brighCt and hollGow sky
AmWe’ll see thFe stars thatC shine so bE7right
AmStars maFde for uCs tonigGht


Am   F   C   E7
Am   F   C   G

Am   F   C   E7


AmOh, the pasFsenger    C           G
AmHow, how hFe rides     C        E7
AmOh, the pasFsenger     C         G
AmHe rides and heF rides       C        E7
AmHe looks thFrough hiCs window    G
AmWhat does hFe see?      C           E7
AmHe sees the Fsign anCd hollow sGky
AmHe sees the Fstars cCome out toE7night
Am He sees theF city’s rCipped backGsides
AmHe sees theF winding Cocean drE7ive
Am And everythFing was mCade for yGou and me
AmAll of itF was mCade for yE7ou and me
Am‘Cause it jusFt belongs Cto you aGnd me
AmSo let’s takFe a rideC and seeE7 what’s mine
Am            F            C              G
Am            F            C              E7Singing
AmLa la lFa la la lCa la la laG
AmLa la lFa la la lCa la la laE7
AmLa la lFa la la lCa la la laG
Am   F   C   E7


AmOh the pasFsenger   C         G
Am He rides anFd he rideCs         E7
Am He sees thFings from Cunder glGass
AmHe looks thFrough hisC window sE7ide
AmHe sees the Fthings that he Cknows are Ghis
AmHe sees theF bright andC hollow sE7ky
AmHe sees theF city sleeCp at nigGht
AmHe sees theF stars arCe out tonE7ight
AmAnd all of Fit is yoCurs and miGne
AmAnd all of Fit is yoCurs and miE7ne
AmSo let’s rFide and rCide and rGide and ride
Am            F            C              E7
Am            F            C              GI say
AmLa la lFa la la lCa la la laG
AmLa la lFa la la lCa la la laE7
AmLa la lFa la la lCa la la laG
Am            F            C              E7I say
AmLa la lFa la la lCa la la laG
AmLa la lFa la la lCa la la laE7
AmLa la lFa la la lCa la la laG