Florence And The Machine – Breaking Down Ukulele Chords

Try other keys for easier chords.
Voice Range: G – F (11 half tones) – how to use this
Intro x2:
G# G# G# C
C# C# C# E
G#All alone C C#
It was always thEere you sG#ee
And even on my own C C#
It was always standing nEext to mD#e
I can see it cF#oming from the edge of the rC#oom
C#Creeping in the streetlight
D#Holding my hF#and in the pale glC#oom
Can you see it cA#oming now?
G#Oh, C C#
I think I’m breaking doEwn again
G#Oh, C C#
I think I’m breaking doEwn
G#All alone C C#
Even when I Ewas a cG#hild
I’ve always known C C#
There was something to Ebe frightened G#of
You know that I can see you cF#oming from the edge of the roC#om
C#Creeping in the streetlight
D#Holding my F#hand in the pale glC#oom
Can you see it coA#ming now?
G#Oh, C C#
I think I’m breaking doEwn again
G#Oh, C C#
I think I’m breaking doEwn
G#All alone C C#
On the edge of sEleep G#
My old familiar friend C C#
Comes and lies down Enext to D#me
You know that I can see you cF#oming from the edge of the roC#om
C#Creeping in the streetlight
D#Holding my F#hand in the pale glC#oom
Can you see it coA#ming now?
G#Oh, C C#
I think I’m breaking doEwn again
G#Oh, C C#
I think I’m breaking doEwn again
G#Oh, C C#
I think I’m breaking doEwn again
G#Oh, C C#
I think I’m breaking doEwn