Dido – Thank You Ukulele Chords
The original song is in the key of B. Another easy version is in the key of G.
Voice Range: G – C (1 Octave + 6 half tones) – how to use this?
Intro x8: Am F
AmMy tea’s gone Fcold, I’m wondering Gwhy I got Cout of Gbed at Amall
The morning Frain cloud’s up my Gwindow, and CI can’t Gsee at Amall
And even Fif I could, it’d Gall be gray, but your Cpicture Gon my Amwall
It reFminds me that it’s Amnot so bad, it’s noFt so bad
Interlude x2: Am F
I Amdrank too Fmuch last night, got Gbills to pay, my Chead just Gfeels in Ampain
I missed the Fbus and there’ll be Ghell today, I’m Clate for Gwork agAmain
And evenF if I’m there they’ll Gall imply that I miCght not lGast the Amday
And then you cFall me and it’s Amnot so bad, it’s nFot so bad
And CI want to thFank you
For giving me the Cbest day of my Flife
And Coh, just to Fbe with you
Is having the Embest day of my liDmfe
Interlude: C F C F C F Em Dm
CPush the door, I’m Chome at Flast and I’m soaking Cthrough and Cthrough
Then you handed Cme a Ftowel and all I Csee is Cyou
And even if my house Cfalls dFown now, I wouldn’t have a cEmlue
Because you’re nDmear me…
Chorus x2:
And CI want to thFank you
For giving me the Cbest day of my Flife
And Coh, just to Fbe with you
Is having the Embest day of my liDmfe